We have discovered that those who invest in cosmetic laser technology are expecting two main outcomes from their investment:
Excellent Clinical Results That Generate Satisfied Patients, Re Bookings, And Referrals
Profitable Financial Performance (Revenue Growth, Expense Management, Profit/Loss, ROI)
The Laser Profit Growth Program delivers both of these outcomes to you, the owner and investor in cosmetic laser technology
We make sure you understand the Profit/Loss (past month, quarter, year) of each cosmetic laser that you own
We help you to know the ROI (purchase date to current where possible), of every laser you own
You receive a comprehensive Laser Profit Growth Plan – your detailed road map to clinical and financial success with your laser(s)
So How Does The Laser Profit Growth Program Work?
A comprehensive assessment is made of the financial condition of your cosmetic laser business model
o Profit/Loss and Cash Flow Analysis, Cost of Ownership
o Laser Technology Mix Assessment
o Laser Marketing – Internal, External, Digital, Point of Sale
o Staff Training (Clinical and Laser Patient Education and Consultations)
A laser profit growth business plan is provided to you – your roadmap of exactly what steps to execute to achieve your laser financial goals
o Comprehensive written laser business profit growth plan
o Calendar of laser marketing, patient education, staff training actions
We measure your success for 90 days from program inception. We help you adjust your executional strategy to stay the course to success